Summoners are "take care of your mages and good things happen" taken to a logical extreme. You can heal your melee guys without touching the enemy. You can slap the giant AoE of Leviathan or Bahamut on a Chocobo and send it screaming into the enemy lines like a crazy magical mine and have it survive the whole ordeal.

Yeah, that's right, summons are supposed to be intelligent creatures, so they don't damage allies and heal enemies. Moogle and Fairy heal a lot of HP for hitting a large area and not affecting enemies. You saw what Norma did to the first half of Chapter 2! They get other awesome spells like Golem, which negates a lot of physical damage and Leviathan, which is extremely good with a 108 Gems for the water boost. Despite the statistical weaknesses and the spells that take a long time to happen, Summoners can do some incredible stuff. Summoners are probably the one class I should be showing off more. +Low speed, strangely enough, supports casting slow spells +They hit a huge area and don't hit the wrong side +Absurdly strong spells, including the strongest spell in the game at a multiplier of 96

Level 4 is one of the perquisites for Mime and for Bard (Male only). HPC: 13 | MPC: 8 | SpC: 100 | PAC: 70 | MAC: 50 | Jump: 3 |Requires Level 2 Time Mage. Code: EQ: Rod, Staff, Hat, Clothes, Robe, Accessory